Watch the headlight restoration kit instructional video clip and learn how you can restore your foggy headlights. This is in real time so will actually see how long it takes to wet-sand, polish, pre-treat and seal your foggy headlights. The results are amazing. This headlight restoration video will give you a realistic view as to how long it will take to clean and restore your foggy headlight lenses.
It will also show you how easy it is to use this kit and the type of results you can expect. You can feel confident to know that the EZ4U2 Headlight restoration kit will work for you as it has worked for all our customers over the past 4 years. Just so you know this is one of the same process that we use on the field to restore headlights. But we just made much easier so that the average person can have amazing results.
So don't put off cleaning up your foggy headlight lenses any longer. Simply click on the order button below to get your EZ4U2 headlight restoration kit and get that proud feeling when you restore your foggy headlight crystal clear like new 100% satisfaction guarantee!
So click on the Button below to Order Now
Most vehicle headlights can be restored and it does not matter the make and model of car. We have use this headlight restoration kit on Mercedes, BMWs, Hyundais, Hondas, Jaguars, Nissan, Fords, Toyotas, Mazdas, Maserati, Porches, Farraris, Kias and more.......
This EZ4U2 Headlight restoration kit work really good. Just follow the written instruction in the kit and the instructions and tips on the video and you will be supprized at your results. I guarantee it!!
So just click on the order now button and start seeing the light!
EZ4U2 Headlight Restoration Kit 4 Simple Steps To Restore Your Foggy Headlights
Wet-Sanding The Foggy Headlight Lenses
- Start wet-sanding with the #400 grit sand paper until the headlight lenses looks clean without any blotches or manufacturer sealant left on the lenses.
- Then proceed to #1000 grit sand paper. Keep misting the lenses while sanding. The lenses will start looking cleaner and smother.
- Now use the #2000 grit sand paper. Remember to keep misting the headlight with water while sanding. The headlight will start feeling smother and looking cleaner. You will start seeing the bulbs on the inside of the headlights.
#400 / #1000 / #2000 wet sand paper enclosed in our headlight restoration kit.
Polishing The Now Clean Headlights
Use the headlight polish #2 and a white towel in our headlight restoration kit.
Squeeze a dime size amount of polish onto the white towel
Rub vigorously until the lens shines. Continue until all of the lenses become clear. Absolute clarity is not needed.
Wipe off excess polish.
Examine the lens for any area that is not clear. These areas will need a little more sanding followed by further polishing.
Pre Treat The Headlight Lenses
- Spray the headlight lenses with the pre-treat spray #3 in the kit making sure it covers the entire lenses including the edges. Wait for about 10 to 15 seconds and wipe completely dry with the other white towel.
This step removes any residual polish or grease that is on the headlight lenses. Also it prepares the lens to receive the sealant to form a strong bond.
Sealing Your Clean Headlights
Now that your headlights are clean we can proceed to sealing them so they last a long time.
- Before sealing make sure the headlights and the surrounding areas are completely dry.
- Open the bottle of lenses sealer #4 and saturate the folded edge of the blue towel in your headlight restoration kit.
- Now starting from the right or left top corner wipe across the headlight lenses. Continue wiping across the entire lenses until the lenses is completely sealed.
Note: Overlap passes by 50% this will allow you to maximize your sealant coverage.
Look at the instruction video and see it in real time. See how easy it's done.
Click on the buy now button and order your kit today. You'll be happy you did.
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